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Leading in Wellness & Sustainability

University Place 3.0 stands as a groundbreaking achievement, proudly holding double Platinum certifications. The building has earned LEED Platinum and WELL Platinum, setting new standards for sustainability and occupant well-being.

Administered by the U.S. Green Building Council, the LEED Rating System is the globally recognized benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high-performance green buildings. LEED, short for “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design,” reflects University Place 3.0's commitment to energy efficiency, environmental responsibility, and sustainable innovation.

The WELL Building Standard, managed by the International WELL Building Institute, emphasizes occupant health and well-being through strategies rooted in scientific and medical research. Both LEED and WELL certifications are awarded based on points earned for sustainable and health-focused strategies, with Platinum being the highest level of recognition.

As Philadelphia’s first WELL Platinum-certified project and the United States’ first laboratory building to achieve both LEED and WELL Platinum certifications, University Place 3.0 exemplifies leadership in innovation, sustainability, and human-centered design.

Blue Skies

Superior Indoor Air Quality

LEED Category: Indoor Environmental Quality, WELL Concept: Air

University Place 3.0 features a high-performance ventilation system that provides  superior indoor air quality, including additional outside air, superior MERV 14  filtration media, and UV lights that kill germs, viruses, mold spores, bacteria, and  fungi as they pass through the air handling system.

• The building maintains a no smoking policy in the building and on site to ensure a  healthy indoor environment. Furthermore, smoking is not permitted on the  accessible green roof. Smoking is communicated to guests via signage.  

• An Indoor Air Quality Management Plan was implemented during construction to  reduce indoor air contaminants resulting from construction activities. For example,  the ventilation system was protected with plastic protection and additional filtration  to ensure the dirt and dust from construction process is not present during  occupancy. Some tools were equipped with dust guards.  

• Many newly installed building materials emit indoor air contaminants called volatile  organic compounds, or VOCs. These contaminants may be odorous or irritating to  installers and building occupants and are especially harmful to people with asthma  and allergies. VOCs are commonly known as “new car smell” or the smell of fresh paint. The interior building materials installed in University Place 3.0 release little or  no VOCs, thereby creating a safe, healthy working environment. The low-emitting  materials used in the project include adhesives, sealants, paints, coatings, carpet,  flooring, walls, doors, ceilings, insulation, furniture, and composite wood.  

• Each floor features a wall-mounted indoor air quality sensor that measures and  reports in real-time. The intent is to continuously monitor for improved results.  

• The building is equipped with natural gas boilers that use combustion to generate  hot water heating in the building. Boilers were carefully selected and upgraded to  emit less outdoor air pollutants thereby protecting occupants and neighbors.

Water Ripple

Water Quality and Efficiency

LEED Category: Water Efficiency, WELL Concept: Water

The City of Philadelphia has a combined sewer and stormwater treatment system,  so large storm events can cause Combined Sewer Overflows, or release of  untreated sewage into local waterways. Managing stormwater run-off improves  water quality of local rivers and streams. University Place 3.0 is equipped with  state-of-the-art stormwater management plan that captures and retains volume  from 90th percentile rainfall event. Green roofs infiltrate stormwater and  evapotranspirate through plantings. Rainwater and condensate from the tower roof  are collected into basement cisterns to be reused in the building cooling system  and irrigation. 

• The accessible green roof requires light irrigation during dry summer months. The  irrigation system features water efficient upgrades, such as drip irrigation and  rainwater reuse. In total, the project achieves 100% reduction in potable water use  in irrigation.  

• Low-flow plumbing fixtures achieve 35.9% potable water savings in restrooms.  Reducing potable water consumption conserves natural resources and ensures  healthy drinking water supplies for surrounding communities.  

• Rainwater harvesting will be reused in the building cooling system, resulting in  31.8% potable water savings. In total, the system saves over 300,000 gallons per  month.  

• Each floor is equipped with filtered water fountain and bottle filler to promote  drinking water access.  

• As part of the WELL certification process, the building shall undergo water testing  to ensure healthy drinking water is accessible to all occupants.


LEED Category: Indoor Environmental Quality, WELL Concept: Light

Maximized Lighting and Daylighting

Large, full height glazing provides ample daylight to penetrate deep into the space.  Also, large windows provide excellent views of the exterior. The Project Team  created a 3D computer simulation daylight model of the building to analyze daylight  access throughout the year. 43% of tenant areas have access to beneficial daylight  throughout the year. 

University Place 3.0 utilizes a high-performance building envelope featuring  electrochromic glazing. A sensor on the roof automatically senses daylight  conditions combined with a 3D computer simulation daylight model of the building  to automatically tint glazing based on incoming daylight. This technology maintains  superior views of the exterior while reducing uncomfortable solar heat gain and  glare. 

Fruits and Vegetables

Healthy Eating

WELL Concept: Nourishment

The building features signage in communal spaces promoting healthy eating.  


The building is located within 0.25 mile walking distance of two markets offering  fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Healty Eating
Busy Street

Active Lifestyles

LEED Category: Location & Transportation, WELL Concept: Movement

The project site is located in a high-density urban neighborhood with excellent  access to local neighborhood amenities and public transportation options. There  are over 517 available transit trips per weekday within half-mile of the project site.

Single-occupant vehicle usage consumes fossil fuels and generates air pollution.  University Place 3.0 offers amenities on-site to encourage active forms of  transportation, such as showers and bicycle room with indoor bicycle racks,  lockers, air pump, and bike maintenance tools. Across the street are 2 electric  vehicle charging spaces reserved for University Place 3.0 occupants.

Corridors and east stair are upgraded with artwork to encourage occupants to take  the stairs and avoid the elevators. Signage encourages stair use.

The ground level features glazing and plantings to activate the streetscape and  provide a high quality pedestrian experience for occupants and neighbors.

Sound Waves


WELL Concept: Sound

The Main Lobby and Basement Property Management Office was designed with  improved acoustics to ensure adequate sound levels for focused work activities.  Additional insulation was included in ventilation ducts and mechanical equipment  was evaluated for sound impacts. 

Recycling Cardboard

Sustainable Materials

LEED Category: Materials & Resources, WELL Concept: Materials

 In total, over 500 installed building materials were vetted for LEED and WELL  requirements.

The building shall implement a comprehensive recycling program that collects  paper, cardboard, glass, plastics and metals. To further reduce the amount of  waste entering landfills, the building shall collect batteries and e-waste for proper  recycling.

81% of construction and demolition waste will be diverted from disposal in a landfill  or incinerator. Landfills encroach upon available green space and have the  potential to pollute air, water, and soil. The Construction Manager found a new  innovative recycling solution for cementitious fireproofing waste, further increasing  recycling rates for the project. Spent cementitious fireproofing waste is used to  make solidification material to absorb liquid byproducts in drilling and mining  industries.

Building materials achieved 27% sustainable criteria, such as recycled content and  FSC-certified wood. Recycled content reduces the amount of waste entering  landfills and minimizing impacts from processing virgin materials. FSC-certified  wood is a special designation recognizing socially and environmentally responsible  wood harvesting practices. FSC-certified wood can be seen in the interior and  exterior wood ceilings.

Building materials have undergone life cycle analysis to generate Environmental  Product Declarations (EPDs). These modeled reports demonstrate environmental  impacts from product manufacturer, installation, and end-of-life. In total, the  building achieved 112 weighted products with EPDs.

The project achieved 77 weighted products with material ingredient reports, like a  nutrition label, to disclose any harmful or environmentally damaging materials. In  addition, the building features 12 weighted products with optimized material  designation, meaning the manufacturer verified no harmful chemicals of concern in  material ingredients.

The Project Team developed a 3D computer simulation whole building life cycle  assessment to understand environmental impacts from the construction process.  Compared to a typical, code-compliant building, University Place 3.0 achieves  18.6% reduction in embodied carbon in construction. The concrete in the building  features 25-40% recycled material slag cement, which is a byproduct of the iron  manufacturing industry. 



WELL Concept: Mind

The building is equipped with over 18,000 total square feet of vegetated roofing,  highlighting 25% native and adapted vegetation. Green roofs are visible from the  interior, providing high quality views for tenant spaces. The premier 14,000 square foot accessible green roof features excellent views of Center City Philadelphia,  native trees, shrubs, and flowers, and patio seating for tenant enjoyment. The  accessible green roof includes a large open space for events or exercises classes.  Lastly, the accessible green roof also serves as a restorative space for occupant  relaxation. Green or vegetated roofs infiltrate stormwater, reduce heat island  effects, and restore native habitat that supports local ecosystems and wildlife.

The building features biophilic design strategies throughout the interior. Biophilia is  the concept that humans are innately attracted to nature. Studies have shown  people who view nature scenes experience lower blood pressure, lower heart rate,  and positive boost in mood. Interior and exterior biophilic design strategies include  wood finishes, artwork of natural images, and excellent views of surrounding green  roofs and street trees. 77.5% of tenant areas have access to beneficial views.

Hands Up


WELL Concept: Community

A comprehensive education program will be shared with tenants each year to  discuss the sustainability and wellness features of the building, with resources on  how to improve their health and well-being.

Each floor features one unisex restroom to accommodate occupant preferences  and needs. On floors 2, 4-8, the unisex restroom features a shower facility for  those biking or exercising before work.  


Energy Efficiency

LEED Category: Energy & Atmosphere, WELL Concept: Innovation

The building provides superior energy efficiency confirmed via a 3D computer  simulation energy model. University Place 3.0 anticipates 17.5% energy cost  savings when compared to a typical, code-compliant building. University Place 3.0  includes the following energy efficiency strategies: chilled beam, electrochromic  glazing, LED lighting.3.0 University Place anticipates 50.8% less carbon emissions when compared to a  typical, code-compliant building. Carbon emissions directly impact our health and  well-being as seen in severe storm events and poor outdoor air quality.The building is equipped with comprehensive energy and water submetering to  benchmark and bill for actual utility use.

The Project Team included a Commissioning Authority to ensure that the building’s  energy-related systems have been installed correctly and are operating to achieve  maximum energy efficiency.

The project also pursued Envelope Commissioning. A building mock-up was  constructed in adjacent parking lot and underwent testing to verify air and water  leakage. The lessons learned from the mock-up construction were translated to the  building construction. Also, the building envelope materials installed in-place  underwent additional testing to ensure installation quality and consistency.

University Place 3.0 will benchmark ongoing energy and water performance, as  required under LEED and City of Philadelphia benchmarking legislation.  Benchmarking tracks utility consumption and establishes a baseline for continuous  improvement.

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Take a Tour

3.0 University Place is open to the public for educational tours. Please click below to scheduled your tour.

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